Real Estate After Quarantine

This temporary quarantine made many people think about their values and goals in life as well as their work situation and their homes.

Although, this isolation is only temporary, life itself has always and will continue to change.

Our social interactions will be different for months, if not years to come. Our economies will eventually grow again, but the way we do business will have progressed. This is true for real estate as well.

Next time I like to quarantine on a tropical island…

One thing is certain, everybody needs a place to live, therefore real estate will always be needed. As much as everybody would like to improve their homes to be able to quarantine in style in case this happens again, it has to be considered that the financial situation of most people changed. Therefore, the housing market needs to adapt. Cheap real estate will be needed more than ever before. “Cheaper” meaning more cost effective.

This of course can mean that people have to downsize or reconsider what they really need in their home – simply back to the basic needs.

“Cheaper” doesn’t mean uglier

It’s true that many houses for sale that are on the lower end of the price range don’t look too good. But to be honest most of them only need a little bit of TLC and they can be a cosy home.

If you need to downsize, why not sleep on a sofa bed in the living room?

How can real estate agents adapt to this new situation?

You as a realtor can continue to do what you are really good at – be there for your clients and understand what they need in their circumstances. This is a new situation for all of us and for some it may be hard to adapt. Maybe some can’t picture themselves in a smaller, simpler home.

Whatever step someone needs to take, you can be there to help and make this a good experience.

What exactly does this mean?

You have to think outside the box, but yourselves in the buyer’s shoes. It maybe time to rethink how real estate deals where done in the past and see new ways that can make the whole process simpler, more time effective and more cost effective.

Will you go with the flow, let the waves take you wherever they go, or will you build a ship and go your own way?

Pick your boat and get on your way.

What is your idea of real estate after quarantine? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

Target buyers where they are: at home

This is the longest period of time most of us ever spent at home non-stop. The risk of COVID-19 has grounded about 1.5 billion people worldwide, meaning people are engaging with their homes more than ever before.

Regarding real estate this means that many people have time to think about their living arrangements. They may see things they like to improve in the house or they might shop around for a new house that suits their needs even better.

Whatever the reason why someone may shop around for a new home, it’s simply amazing to see how realtors have already adapted to the new circumstances. I saw that many newsletters were send out by them to keep their clients informed and engaged.

Target buyers who are at home

Also, they started to offer some great new services to buyers, for example to make a house viewing via video conference. While the agent would walk through the house for sale the client can follow along while sitting at home. The agent would explain while doing the walk-through and answer any questions that arise.

Another less personal but equally effective way to target buyers is the virtual tour, where the real estate agent made a video recording of a house viewing and puts this video online. It might surprise how many people will actually look at it who otherwise would have never asked for a house viewing.

My absolute favourite is the 3D tour. As far as I know, the real estate agent needs some special equipment to make a 3D tour for a house but from all options this is probably the best. The 3D model that is created allows anyone to “walk” through the house. It is similar to Google Street maps just indoors.

What about private seller?

Well, nobody can stop you from doing your own video where you walk through your house for sale. This is something everybody can do.

This is definitely some positive side effect of the COVID-19 and I hope this new digital strategy for real estate is here to stay. It saves a lot of time for buyer and seller – house hunting can be very time consuming – as this already helps to get a good overview of a property.

Will COVID-19 change how we think about real estate?

Changing the way we think about real estate usually happens very slowly, sometimes over a few generations. Basically, we adapt to new needs and likes but at the same time we benefit from the customs and experiences of the generations before us.

Think About Real Estate Priorities

I was thinking about this a lot the last couple of weeks – not only because I have a lot of time sitting at home – but mainly because my priorities seemed to have changed.

Storage Space

New on my wishlist – a pantry

I live in a spacious apartment but now preparing for the lock-down I found myself running low on storage space for food items.

I ended up piling up water bottle and canned food in the living room. I was reminded of the basement in my grandmother’s house where they use to store foods for winter time when there wouldn’t be much fresh fruits and vegetables available – that would come in handy right now.

I also thought of those nice old-style apartments in Berlin, they would always come with a “Speisekammer”, – literally meaning food chamber – that’s a pantry, a small room in the kitchen dedicated to shelf-stable food storage. I loved to hide in one of those when playing hide and seek with my friends who lived in one of those apartments.

I think that’s one of those things I really would like to have now and I’m sure in my next home I will make sure I have a pantry.

Practical and clean

I always hated clutter, now I hate it even more. Since the coronavirus I became very minimalistic and I just love it, every day more. It looks tidy and is just so easy to clean and disinfect. I only kept some decoration that is actually serving some purpose, like mirror or a clock.

Another thing that is on my wish list for my next home is a sink beside the entrance door. A place where you can wash your hands straight away when you come in. It just seems to be the perfect place and you can make washing your hands a little entering-the-house-ritual.

Outside space

Photo by Artur Aleksanian on Unsplash

Another thing I find to be great in this time is some sort of outside space – being it a garden or just a balcony. It can be great for many things, drying the cloths, grow some vegetables or just letting the sun shine on your belly… Especially when spending several days or weeks at home some space like this can make all the difference. Houses with garden are just great when you have to stay at home.


One thing COVID-19 teaches us is that our house should be flexible. Within a couple of days some people found themselves in a new situation where they maybe had to quarantine someone of the family or set up a home office. This is very challenging for many. An en suite guest room can be a good solution as you can turn it into your temporary office or where you can quarantine yourself if necessary. An en suite guest room is a bedroom with adjoined private bathroom.

Back to the Basics – think about real estate

Altogether, with everything that happened in last few weeks, it definitely already changed my view of real estate. It all comes back to the basics – a warm, practical, clean shelter with enough storage space for necessities and last but not least for our mental health, some space outside.

What do you think, will the covid-19 change the way we think about real estate? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

How to maximise the market value of your home

Owning your own home, whether outright or with a mortgage, gives you lots of opportunities to grow its value, enabling you to profit at the time of any future sale. If you’re wondering about the best ways to maximise the current market value of your home in order to cash in big time in future years, read on.

Before starting to knock any property around, check out local planning laws

Before even beginning to discuss all the different ways you can increase the market value of your home, it’s vital you take a look around your home and think strategically about any future marketing attempt. If you have lots of unnecessary furniture and ornaments cluttering rooms, you may want to think about the benefits of decluttering. You’ll be amazed by just how much more empowered and energised you feel living in a clutter-free home, and may also uncover some of your most valued, long lost treasures during the process!

No matter where you happen to live in the world, it’s quite certain that local planning or building regulations will impact on any decision made to extend your home. Some homeowners apply for planning permissions retrospectively, but this can be a risky tactic. For example, Churchill’s research shows that 40,000 retrospective planning applications were made between 2017 and 2019 in the UK, and that a total of 12% of these applications were declined outright. The most sensible way forward is definitely getting in contact with local planners before any structural works or alterations take place. You could actually be pleasantly surprised, as some works won’t actually require formal planning applications or ongoing inspections.

Top ways to increase the value of any existing home

1. Potential property buyers always rate kerb/garden appeal highly

There are lots of ways that the market value of homes with gardens can be increased, without any need for building works. Maximising the kerb or garden appeal of your home shouldn’t be underestimated, and it may only require keeping on top of all regular maintenance and lawn care. Adding a patio or deck is one way to create entertaining space outdoors, and this is often top of the list for many homebuyers. Of course, if you’re an apartment dweller, you may only have access to an outdoor balcony or patio, but these small spaces can still be transformed into charming outside spaces with good planning.

The kerb appeal of your home relates to first impressions, so a lick of fresh paint on woodwork, a tidy front garden, and sparkling windows are all essentials that help to maximise the market value of your home.

2. Converting your loft or attic space

You could add even more value to your home by creating an extra bedroom or office, and lofts are often the ideal space to consider. Check with local planners before starting any building works, as regulations are likely to be in force. Some of the planning issues that will need consideration include staircase access, windows, and requirements for any en-suite bathroom or shower room. It’s often a good idea to involve an architect from the outset, and unless you’re a DIY expert it’s probably best to hire some professional help.

3. Extending your home to the side or rear to create larger living spaces downstairs

Many city and rural dwellers in terraced or semi-detached homes find that extending the downstairs space to the side and back can provide even more room, which is particularly valuable for growing families. In the UK, extensions like this are often considered permitted developments and may not even require formal planning permissions. However, check all this out beforehand, as any works to party walls which are shared with neighbours may well need planning investigation.

Some of the other valuable ways to maximise the capital locked in your existing home include:

– Turning an integral garage into a room, which can be a valuable way to free up unused space

– Adding a conservatory

– Converting a cellar into a basement room

Your existing home could be the key to gaining your dream home in the future, so staying on top of clutter and adding extensions or upgrades can be an excellent way to truly make the most of your property investment.

Author: Hubert Day

Design Project of an Apartment – Where to Begin

Once there is a design project, it has stages of its development.

1. Making an apartment plan.

2. Development of a sketch of the project.

3. The choice of a common design concept, taking into account the characteristics of each room.

4. Preparation of drawings.

5. The choice of accessories and decor items.

The implementation of the first paragraph is impossible without taking measurements. Accuracy is important here since any error can lead to problems at further stages of the project.

Apartment plan

You can draw a plan either manually or using graphic programs. It indicates all sizes, the location of windows and doors, new walls and partitions (if necessary), niches and various changes that will improve the appearance and functionality of the room.

When creating a plan, it is important to consider the purpose of each room, the number of residents who will live in the apartment, and their lifestyle. If there is only one room, it is important to correctly separate the zone of sleep and leisure, work. Next, you need to duplicate the project and draw a sketch of the arrangement of furniture and equipment on a new sheet.

Sketch of premises

The sketch allows you to decide on the interior concept, choose the style and design features of the apartment. To achieve a balance in the palette and details, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features and rules of using the selected direction in advance. To create a detailed sketch, computer programs such as Homestyler, HomeByMe, SmartDraw, IKEA Home Planner, Sweet Home 3D, Planner 5D and others are used.

Interior Design

After the concept is selected, and the desired style is fully understood, you can proceed to detail the design of each room. In addition to the texture and color of finishing materials, furniture upholstery, textiles, and the location of fixtures are selected to achieve the desired level of illumination in each zone.

Decor elements are selected at the last moment when the sketch will have a full arrangement of furniture, a detailed color palette, the location of lighting fixtures. It is not necessary to indicate all the decorative elements, but only those for which you need to prepare (leave) a place.

Creating design project drawings

The drawing is an amended plan, which indicates not only the dimensions but also the location of the heating equipment. As well as communications, plumbing, electrical wiring, sockets, and switches. The drawings also indicate the features of the room that need special attention (extension of the windowsill, the need to install drywall constructions, underfloor heating, etc.).

The choice of accessories and decor items

To come with accessories and décor items is the most creative part of developing a design project. At this stage, the texture of the furniture and its color, the design of lighting fixtures, paintings and various objects of the decor of the room, accessories are selected. All details should correspond to the chosen style and harmonize in the palette. You can sketch in advance or simply trust your taste and intuition. This is the advantage of a do-it-yourself design project. No one will dictate the rules – each element will be matched with the soul.

If you cannot choose exactly the furniture that is necessary to implement the general concept. You can always draw a few more sketches and make it by hand, or order it from professionals.

About the author: Melisa Marzett is a freelance writer who writes articles for and also a traveler who is not afraid of anything, who welcomes any challenges and believes firmly that whatever doesn`t kill us, makes us stronger.

Make working from home your success story

The cat is sitting on your lap, your kids are screaming and running around you, here you are finding yourself with your laptop at the dining table trying to cope with this new challenge of working from home.

This is a sudden and new circumstance for all of us. Because of the coronavirus pandemic many employees are finding themselves in this new situation of working from home. It has its advantages but also comes with its very own challenges.

How to make your home office successful

Here are a few tips how you can stay motivated and effective at your new workplace within your own home.

# 1 – Keep the routine

Even if you are working from home now there is no need to get floppy. Stick to the morning routine you had before, wash, get dressed, look professional. This gets you into the right working mood and you don’t need to fear the video conference with your boss or clients.

# 2 – Sit at the table – dedicate a space just for your work

Although it might be very tempting to work from the sofa or even laying in bed, but there are more advantages to have a dedicated spot just for your work. This will help you to don’t mix your leisure time with work and keep things separate. Keep everything you need for your work close at hand. Like this it will be easier to focus on your job.

# 3 – Stay concentrated

That’s probably the most challenging of all. There may be kids, pets or your partner that are moving around in the same space distracting you with all sorts of things. If you can’t have your own room to work in peace, it might be good to speak with them and arrange a quiet time so you can stay focused on your work. The less distractions possible the better.

# 4 – Make small regular breaks

Don’t forget to make small breaks just as you would get before at the office. Get a tea or coffee, walk around a bit, stretch, call a friend… whatever you like to do in your little break.

Always remember, working from home is no vacation. It is very easy to get distracted and sometimes difficult to stay focused but with a good routine and planning it will be no problem.

You might get so good at it that you don’t want it to stop. ?

If you are a real estate agent and wondering how you can find more clients online, list your real estate ads for free on

Coronavirus – Business damage control

5 tips to keep your real estate business healthy

We have seen a sudden but shockingly high decline in interest for real estate in the COVID-19 affected areas. This truly is a big concern for everybody that works with real estate. It’s totally understandable as people have other things on their mind than to buy a new house. Let’s see what you can do to keep your real estate business healthy.

The arrival of the coronavirus has been unexpected, both in terms of speed and extend of damage that it could impose on the industry if not managed quickly.

So far, we don’t know for how long this situation will go on or worst – we may not know how our business can survive this time. Most likely the interest in properties will come back but at the same time we don’t want to sit on our hands waiting for this to happen. So here are a few tips on damage control for your business or – to give it a more positive twist – improving your real estate business in a way that will make it more flexible in the future.

Tip # 1 – Carefully plan your new strategy

First and foremost – like with every advice given regarding the coronavirus lately – stay calm. This is true for your new business strategy as well. Make yourself a coffee sit down and think about new ways your business can operate. Maybe make a little brainstorm with your staff via video conference.

Keep in mind to put yourself into the shoes of your customers. They are told to have as little physical contact as possible and only to leave the house if totally necessary. A trip to a real estate agent might not be on their list of priorities right now. At the same time, they may have lots of time at home, being bored and surfing the net. If they would have the possibility to go to some virtual house viewings it’s probably great fun for them.  Who knows if they not fall in love with one of your houses they otherwise never would have seen?

real estate business healthy - Technology to the resue
Technology to the resue

Tip # 2 – Less personal and more virtual

This is definitely the new way for many businesses. If you think you still need to improve in that regard, this is the time to do it. So far, many really appreciated the personal contact real estate agents offer – they could discuss their needs and preferences. Only because you should avoid direct contact doesn’t mean you can’t still offer a great service to your clients. It only means that the way on how to do it changes. You can still be there for them – although not in person – and keep them engaged. For example contact via phone and internet.

Find a way for your employees to work from home. Strange as it may be in the beginning, once everybody is used to it you will recognize its many advantages.

This new technology already exists and right now we can see the big advantages it gives in a time like this.

Tip # 3 – Work on your online presence and social media

If you have no website, get one. If it is 20 years old, get a new one. Also, get active in social media. See what people – your possible customers – are concerned about and give them a solution. If they like it they will share it with others giving you marketing for free. Word of “mouth” – although virtual – is a great tool that should not be underestimated. It might even spread to locations you previously had no clients giving you a broader audience.

There are also many real estate portals where you can list your property ads for free giving you some extra exposure.

Tip # 4 – Staying positive, flexible and creative

Unusual circumstances call for unusual solutions. This is your chance to come up with something truly unique and creative. Good ideas you implement and share will spread and get your business back on your feet in no time. As long as you stay positive and motivated there are many ways you can explore. Please keep in mind to share your optimism with your staff as well, they contribute a big deal to your business and are a valuable asset. Give them room to be creative as well.

Tip # 5 – Getting help from the government

Last but not least, getting some help is no sign of weakness. Don’t feel too proud to accept it. You don’t need to feel ashamed to apply for the help your government offers for affected businesses. Every country may handle this in a different way and it is a great thing that they are helping the local companies. Always remember, to be in financial difficulties because of the COVID-19 is not your fault. If someone lends a helping hand to support you, you take it.

Those 5 measures are a big step in the right direction to keep your real estate business healthy. We all understate the significance of planning to deal with emergencies.

If not already done so, prepare yourself for future emergencies. Don’t forget to set up your business continuity plan – a file that identifies possible dangers/emergencies that can arise in your location, ways to reduce risks, and ensures the least amount of interruption to your business during such an emergency. The business continuity plan should assist you to set up the resources and information needed to deal successfully with a future crisis.

Of course, you hope you’ll never need to use it, but you’ll be happy to have it should disaster strike.

Keep your real estate business healthy and your staff safe, plan ahead

Keeping your real estate business healthy in all sorts of circumstances will be essential and it’s always best to be prepared. 

Does your house stinks?

There are certain smells that sometimes are unavoidable in an empty old house but some are so bad that they can ruin your real estate business altogether. If your house stinks it can be a big problem.

Have you ever been at a house viewing and the first thing you noticed when entering was a musty mouldy smell?

Well, it’s not very pleasant to say the least. It immediately gives a bad impression. Nobody wants to live like that. But if you see it from a business point of view it might be a different story. If a house stinks, you might be able to see what the problem is and be confident in how to remove it.

It happened to me when viewing a house in Germany.  I was visiting an old house together with my family and when that musty smell hit us at the time of entering our immediate reaction was “no way!”. After a couple of months though we had to admit, there was no other house available anywhere near our budget.

That’s why we came back to it and actually looked at the problem. It turned out that the problem was some humidity in the basement. The basement was all panelled up with wood which also didn’t help much. After a long family meeting we decided, we go for it.

It definitely paid off.

We removed the mouldy wood and did some treatment to the basement walls. The smell was gone and never came back. And best of all, we were able to get our family home within our budget.

That’s the advantage when buying, you are able to get a house with a bad smell cheaper. Of course, you have to be confident that you are able to remove the problem causing this smell.

When selling, it would be wise to spend some money in solving the problem before. Or, maybe there isn’t even a severe problem. Sometimes it just needs a bit of care, like opening the windows regularly in an empty house. Especially before a viewing.

Bad smell that is really harmful

There are certain smells though that are really harmful for your business. It’s those that can’t be solved on a low budget or maybe they can’t be solved at all. Therefore, it is advised to make some counts before jumping into a “smelly” business. One example of a smell problem that can’t be solved would be a nearby pig farm.

Bad smell that can ruin your real estate business

I recently came across a neighbourhood in Portugal located near a paper factory. On photographs all the houses look lovely and it seems to be a really nice place to live. Unfortunately, visiting and smelling the place ruled out any real estate business in this area. Unless you have clients that lost their sense of smell. ?

How real estate agents can prepare for the coronavirus

In many countries the Health Authorities held public meetings to give information about the new coronavirus as well as informing about the ongoing preparations. This is a good thing to be prepared and informed as this puts everybody at ease. There is nothing worse than public panic, when everybody runs to the shop leaving empty shelves. This can create even bigger problems.

Of course, this is not just job of the authorities, there is something everybody can do. First, stay calm and objective.

How can each of us be prepared you may wonder.

Especially if you have a real estate agency you may have to think about what actions to take. As seen in Italy maybe it is possible for some workers to do their tasks from home. Always remember, better safe than sorry. You can make sure that all of them have the necessary tools to be able to do that. Maybe a business cell phone and laptop that they can bring home, just in case.

You should start thinking about special preparation for your team, some may have to stay with their kids if schools or kindergartens close.

Avoid trips to coronavirus infected areas

Also, avoiding trips to places where the virus has spread should be carefully reconsidered. Maybe a possible buyer likes to view a house in such place. It might be better to postpone in that case. For example, you could show a virtual viewing of the house instead. You can then travel later when it is safe again.

Regardless of being a real estate agent or not …

This is the most important everybody should do: wash your hands as often as possible. Everybody should have a good cough etiquette, disinfecting surfaces that might be contaminated, keeping distance to somebody who seems sick and don’t go out if you feel ill. Those are very simple but effective things. Of course, we all know them, but as we sometimes forget it’s always good to be reminded especially now with the new coronavirus.

Stay healthy. 🙂

UK house prices rise in early 2020 despite Brexit

It seems optimism returned among buyers and sellers – house prices rise across the UK as a result.

After 10 quiet months, property prices rose in November and December 2019.

The average price for a home in December was £215,282, according to Nationwide building society, one of the UK’s largest mortgage lenders. Property prices go up by 0.1% every month.

In January they said property values were 1.9% higher than a year earlier – up from 1.4% in December and the fastest yearly growth since November 2018. The average price for a home now stands at £215,897 – up £615, or 0.5% higher than in December.

In further evidence that the housing market is picking up, inquiries from would-be buyers, agreed sales and the number of real estate coming on to the market all rose in January.

Some surveys have also suggested a price bounce in the housing market since the general election in mid-December, although much will depend on how the Brexit after effects develop.

No doubt, we’re seeing a lot of enthusiasm among buyers since the beginning of this year but we cannot yet tell how sustained this optimistic mood will be.

By the way, price growth in London has fallen to 0.6% since the referendum. This will be welcome news for many people who are interested in becoming homeowners in London. Although it still remains far from affordable for most of us.

One challenge remains though

Raising a deposit to get on the property ladder is still difficult for many. Even in the north of England and in Scotland, where property appears to be cheaper, it’ll take someone earning the average wage more than five years to save up for a 20% deposit.

Are you looking for a property bargain or – as house prices rise – you think it’s a good time now to put your real estate on the market? Visit