Swimming Ponds: A Natural Pool Alternative

One fascinating concept that has gained popularity is the “swimming pond.” This innovative approach not only offers a unique aesthetic appeal to properties but also serves multiple purposes, including the potential for food production. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of swimming ponds compared to traditional pools. As well as, the possibility of integrating aquaculture for a self-sustaining food source, and offer guidance on how to create your own natural swimming pond.

The Pros and Cons: Swimming Ponds vs. Traditional Pools


  • Environmental Integration: Swimming ponds blend seamlessly with the landscape. This promotes biodiversity and attracts wildlife, creating a living ecosystem in your backyard.
  • Chemical-Free Water: Unlike traditional pools that rely on chlorine or other chemicals for cleaning, swimming ponds use natural filtration systems (like plants and microorganisms) to purify water.
  • Year-Round Interest: Even in colder months when swimming is off the table, a swimming pond remains a visually appealing water feature, supporting a variety of aquatic and surrounding plant life.
  • Potential for Food Production: By incorporating fish and edible plants, a swimming pond can also function as a source of food, adding an element of permaculture to your property.


  • Initial Cost and Setup: Establishing a swimming pond can be more expensive initially. This is due to the need for specialized design and landscaping to ensure proper water filtration and ecosystem balance.
  • Maintenance Knowledge: Understanding the ecosystem and maintaining balance is crucial. Owners must be knowledgeable or willing to learn about aquatic plant care, seasonal changes, and ecological health indicators.
  • Space Requirements: A natural swimming pond requires more space than a traditional pool to accommodate the filtration zones and ensure a healthy ecosystem.
  • Wildlife Encounters: While attracting wildlife is seen as a benefit, it can also be a con for some, as it might lead to unwanted visitors in your swimming area.

Integrating Aquaculture: A Sustainable Food Source

Introducing fish to your swimming pond not only adds to the natural beauty and ecological balance but also offers an opportunity for sustainable food production. Species like carp, tilapia, or trout can thrive in this environment. So, it provides a fresh source of protein right from your backyard! It’s important to research and choose species that are suitable for your climate and the specific conditions of your pond. Additionally, integrating aquatic plants like watercress or lotus can offer both purification benefits and edible harvests.

Creating Your Own Swimming Pond: Steps and Considerations

  1. Planning and Design: Start with a clear plan that includes the size, depth, and location of your pond. Consider hiring a professional with experience in swimming ponds to ensure a functional and sustainable ecosystem.
  2. Regulation Compliance: Check local regulations and zoning laws. This ensures that your project is compliant, especially if you plan to introduce fish.
  3. Filtration Zone Creation: Designate areas for natural filtration. This typically involves a regeneration zone planted with specific aquatic plants known for their purifying properties.
  4. Construction and Planting: After excavating, line your pond with a suitable underlay and liner. Then, strategically plant the selected aquatic plants in the regeneration zone.
  5. Water Management: Initially, you may need to adjust water levels and add beneficial bacteria to kickstart the ecosystem. Regular monitoring of water quality and clarity is essential for maintaining a healthy swimming pond.
  6. Fish Introduction: Once the pond and plants are established, and the water quality is stable, you can introduce fish. Ensure the species are appropriate for your pond’s size and the local climate.

Conclusion: Swimming Ponds

Swimming ponds offer a compelling alternative to traditional pools, aligning with eco-friendly principles while providing a multifunctional landscape feature. By understanding the intricacies of building and maintaining a natural swimming pond, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a chemical-free swimming environment that harmonizes with nature and even serves as a sustainable food source. As we embrace more sustainable living practices, the swimming pond stands out as a beacon of innovation in residential landscaping.

Cultivating Independence: The Orchard Path to Self-Sufficiency

Embrace the orchard lifestyle for a more independent life. In the quest for a more self-reliant and fulfilling lifestyle, the allure of off-grid living beckons stronger than ever. Imagine a life where your backyard offers not just a retreat from the world but a pantry laden with the fruits of your labor – literally. This isn’t just about gardening; it’s about creating a self-sustaining orchard ecosystem that feeds your family throughout the year. In this follow-up to our exploration of lazy farming techniques, we delve into the heart of “all real estate” with a focus on permaculture and orchard planning for prepper homes and off-grid farming enthusiasts.

The Permaculture Approach to Independence

Permaculture goes beyond simple gardening or farming; it’s a philosophy of working with nature to create sustainable and self-maintaining ecosystems. Therefore, by embracing permaculture, you’re not just planting an orchard; you’re designing a living system that evolves and grows with minimal intervention. This approach ensures that your orchard not only provides fresh produce but also enhances soil quality, conserves water, and supports the local ecosystem.

A Year-Round Orchard: Diverse Produce Every Month

The key to a successful self-sustaining orchard is diversity. By carefully selecting a variety of trees and plants, you can ensure that month by month, your family enjoys the bounty of your land. Imagine the joy of harvesting crisp apples in October, tangy lemons in January, and succulent peaches in July. Each species not only offers nutritional variety but also plays a role in the orchard’s ecological balance, from pollination partners to pest control.

An Example Orchard Plan for Family Nutrition

Creating an orchard that provides a continuous supply of food requires thoughtful planning. So, here’s a simple guide for an orchard designed to feed a family of four throughout the year:

  1. Space Allocation: Aim for at least 1000 square meters of land. This allows for a mix of fruit trees, berry bushes, and spaces for annuals like vegetables and herbs.
  2. Tree Selection: Choose a mix of trees to ensure year-round harvest. For example:
    • January: Citrus trees (oranges, lemons)
    • March: Stone fruit trees (peaches, plums)
    • May: Cherry trees
    • July: Apple and pear trees
    • September: Fig and pomegranate trees
    • November: Nuts (walnut, almond)
  3. Understory Plants: Between the trees, incorporate berry bushes, perennial vegetables, and herbs. That’s how you make use of all available space and create a diverse ecosystem.
  4. Maintenance: Adopt lazy farming principles by using mulch for weed control and moisture retention, installing a drip irrigation system for water efficiency, and choosing disease-resistant tree varieties to minimize the need for intervention.

Conclusion: From Orchard to Table – The Path to Independence

Embracing the orchard lifestyle isn’t just about growing food; it’s about nurturing a relationship with the land and fostering a sense of independence. By integrating the principles of permaculture and lazy farming, your orchard becomes more than just a source of sustenance; it becomes a living, breathing ecosystem that supports your family and the environment. Whether you’re situated on a sprawling “all real estate” property or a modest plot destined for off-grid farming, the path to a more independent and rewarding life lies in the heart of your orchard.

As we continue to explore the vast possibilities of self-sufficient living, remember that the journey to independence is not only about the destination but the joy and fulfillment found in tending to the land and reaping its bountiful rewards. Therefore, just enjoy the enriching world of orchard-based living, where every season brings a new harvest and every harvest brings us closer to the essence of true independence.