real estate agent getting a tattoo

Can a real estate agent have tattoos?

If you are self-employed as a real estate agent, sure you can have tattoos, you can have or dress whatever you like. The question is if it is beneficial in your business or may even draw away some possible buyers.

Although having a tattoo might be a good way to strike up a conversation and meet new prospects, keep in mind that you will deal with all sorts of clients – maybe even some who don´t like tattoos (yes, they still exist).

Having your appearance as neutral as possible will help your customers to focus on the property you are showing them.

When it comes to an agent who works for a real estate company or represents a certain brand this might be a different story.

What kind of tattoo real estate companies allow or not depends on each individual case. They may require employees who deal with customers to reflect the character of the company in their outward appearance. Important are the policies of the real estate brand, as well as the expectations of the clientele.

The company may specify what its employees should wear and how they wear it. For example, they may forbid to wear jeans, sneakers, or to go without tie or jacket when meeting customers. They may also instruct employees to always remove piercings or cover tattoos when in contact with possible buyers.

One thing is certain: Large and visible tattoos are a no-go

Having a monster tattooed in your face might not be a good idea when you are trying to sell a luxury villa to some conservative clients.

As a real estate agent, you should draw attention to the property you are selling. That´s why your appearance in general – having a tattoo or not – should not be too intrusive.


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